Contributions to your donor-advised fund can include a variety of asset types. We can even accept and hold assets in kind. Below, you’ll find a brief overview of some of the most common types of assets that you can donate to your donor-advised fund.
- Cash or check
- Publicly traded securities (stocks, ETFs, mutual funds)
- IPO stock
- Restricted stock, privately held stock (C-Corp, S-Corp, LPs, LLC)
- Privately held business interests
- Real estate
- Private equity, venture capital, hedge funds
- Assets transferred from other donor advised funds
- Special assets
Contribution Considerations
Assistance with complex assets and issues
During our 30+ years’ experience in donor-advised funds, we’ve helped clients handle a variety of complex and unusual situations. We use our expertise and creativity to find solutions.
If you are contemplating a contribution of complex assets, we recommend contacting us early in the process.
Contributions are irrevocable
Once we approve and accept your contribution, your gift is irrevocable and iGiftFund retains exclusive legal control over the contributed asset. Per the IRS, you may not impose any material restriction or condition on the gift.
Coordinate a call with your tax advisor
We’d be happy to coordinate a joint call to discuss contributions and special asset considerations.
- Call toll-free 800.810.0366
- What is a Donor-Advised Fund