Donor advised funds are the fastest-growing family foundation alternative, outnumbering private foundations by 10 to 1.
Having worked with over 3,500 donors and over $2 billion in contributions for the past 30 years, we find that donor advised funds are appreciated for the following reasons:
Donate now, decide later
A contribution to your charitable donor advised fund separates the tax event from the grant-making events. You can recommend grants to charities on your own schedule, thus reducing year-end charitable giving pressures to select causes to support.
Facilitate special asset considerations
Not all charities accept or have the knowledge or capacity to accept gifts of stock and other appreciated assets. Your donor advised account provides you with the maximum tax benefits allowed by law. iGiftFund’s experience is among the longest in the industry.
Make the most of your charitable dollars
You or your advisor can recommend the investment strategy for your contributions to your charitable gift fund. This eliminates the concern about how charities effectively manage investments. Any growth in assets is tax-free, which provides the potential for greater charitable gifts.
Reduce record-keeping frustrations
A donor advised fund provides consolidated reporting and record-keeping. You’ll receive a tax substantiation letter and will need only one such letter for each contribution to the account. You can also review your history of grants online before making future gifts.
Leave a lasting legacy
A charitable gift fund lets you create an enduring family legacy of philanthropy. Your family and successive generations can continue the involvement in grant-making and investments by naming successor advisors to your account.
Accountability and stewardship
We work with your trusted advisors, and together, we become joint stewards of your charitable legacy.
Creating a charitable foundation through iGiftFund is a flexible way to provide long-term support to your favorite causes. Per your advice, iGiftFund can support your favorite charities via capital and/or income into the future.
About donor-advised funds…..And more
Simplicity: Getting started is quick and easy; a donor advised fund can usually be established within a day.
Effective: There are many strategies available to enhance your financial and estate plans.
Tax-wise: Donor advised accounts offer immediate and maximum tax benefits (better than those of a private foundation).
Personal: Each fund is a personal expression of you and your family’s values.
Training wheels: A charitable donor advised fund is a simple and effective way to teach children and grandchildren about the joys of giving, prepare them for pursuing life’s calling, and help them serve worthy purposes in society.
Private: For donors who need privacy, iGiftFund provides a number of solutions ranging from total anonymity to full recognition.
Recognition: Grants can be made in the family name or in memory of a loved one.
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