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For Advisors
Articles and Resources:
- Minimize Your Taxes with Creative Charitable Giving
- Tax-Smart Charitable Giving – The 101 on Donor Advised Funds
- QCDs You can Manage
- Managing Your Client’s Charitable Investments
- DAF Handout for Donors – A Summary
- DAF Handout for Advisors – A Summary
- Ten Questions to Help Families Navigate the Great Wealth Transfer
Financial advisors serve an important role in planning, investment management, and wealth transition at iGiftFund. If you’re new to iGiftFund, please visit our New FA Central Page.
Get Over 30 Years of Experienced Insights
For over 30 years, we’ve worked with financial advisors – RIAs and brokers – who recognize the need for simple, tax-smart and meaningful philanthropic solutions for high net worth clients and prospects. These clients have an ongoing commitment to philanthropy. They look to you as their trusted advisor for guidance and on-going management of their personal and philanthropic assets.
Donor advised funds are offered by commercial sponsors, independent charities, and community foundations. Many offer proprietary pooled investments, limit the investment manager’s role, or restrict investment management choice.
As an independent sponsor, iGiftFund serves a unique niche, free of unnecessary restrictions and potential conflicts of interest in an environment that enables financial advisors to enhance and retain their trusted advisor relationship over multiple generations.
Get the FAQs straight
As a financial advisor, you establish the investment account on your preferred platform and manage the investments in open architecture, at all fund size levels. (See Investment Guidelines). Donors provide the vision, succession, and grant making advice. We take care of the rest.
With a donor advised account, your clients enjoy the flexibility of true independence, without all the administrative complexity, taxes, regulatory headaches, and lack of privacy of a private foundation.