Monthly Archives: April 2019

A Counterintuitive Way to Look at Distributing Wealth

Beginning in the mid-1980’s, when Donor Advised Funds began to emerge from relative obscurity to become the most popular form of charitable giving today, I have been fortunate to work with financial advisors and their clients on their Donor Advised Funds (DAF).  Initially, many donors view their DAF as a simple, time-sensitive tactical tool to [...]

2020-04-15T17:01:54+00:00April 9th, 2019|

Last-minute Tax Situation: A Donor Advised Fund – the Right Option

It’s the week before Christmas.  One of your favorite clients, Bill Smith, calls to tell you that he just received an unexpected year-end bonus of $175,000 and he is concerned about this taxable event.  He wants your advice on charitable giving options.  With only a few days left, the clock is ticking.  What advice can [...]

2020-04-15T17:01:12+00:00April 8th, 2019|
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